Help Center

The restaurant is not confirming my order.

If you are waiting longer than usual for the order to get confirmed, it means that the restaurant is busy and it may take a few extra minutes.

The average time for the restaurant to confirm and start preparing the order is 4 minutes. You will get notified when the restaurant starts preparing your order and when the order is ready.

If you are waiting longer than 4 minutes, you can call us at +1 (510) 210-1052 or send an email at, and we will reach out to the restaurant to resolve the issue.

Please note that our Support Team is available 7 days a week, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM (ET). During non-working hours, please reach out to the restaurant directly. On the order screen, tap the phone icon next to the restaurant name and the call will start. If you need our assistance, just drop us a line at and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Still need help?

Reach us at or — we will respond as quickly as possible.